Today is a sad day.
My departure from this noble class is drawing near. My departure from Kelly Williams is also drawing near.
I've spent many weeks perfecting this blog in hopes that someone could appreciate it, and in hopes that I would get a sufficient grade because of its seemingly decent quality.
Much to my surprise, my performance wasn't up to snuff. My focus on the trials and tribulations of my senior year apparently just wasn't focused enough.
"You need to write blogs about movie reviews or family vacations."
Riddle me this: Who wants to read blogs about movie reviews? And who would want to look at pictures of me posing in a hunting outfit after taking out a 6 point buck in the rockies? Not anybody that I want to be reading my blogs.
So I settled with writing about things that interest me. Things that people would actually want to read. Because when somebody wants movie reviews, the last place they're going to check is a high school student's blog.
I'll probably keep writing blogs after this class is finished, because I actually care about the things I've written here. I enjoy writing things that people want to read. And I doubt you could say the same about anyone else in this ridiculous class. Because those kids have spent the last month or two writing their thoughts while worrying about being heinously graded by a hairy man in the back of the room. That's not writing, and I can't seem to grasp that concept. But I can guarantee that there's not a single other student that would take the time to write a blog as long as this one, or my previous ones.
This is stuff that matters to me. If you can't seem to appreciate it, so be it. But I couldn't appreciate writing about things that make Kelly Williams give me an "A" on an assignment meant to be based around ourselves and things that matter to us.
That's all I've got.
1 comment:
and you know what Mr. skyler mann? i will continue to read the damn thang!
Stay Classy Brah,
-mychaL hornbecK aka tha boss
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