Monday, March 9, 2009

The Angry Whopper.

My friend Turner and I chose to stop by Burger King a few weeks ago. Not "The BK Lounge!!". I'm not Dane Cook. Nor am I a pretentious queer or a college student who thinks that he's remotely funny or has material worth quoting all the damn time.

We went to Burger King and nothing seemed to tickle our fancies besides the Angry Whopper. Due to Burger King's recent ad campaign, the Angry Whopper struck fear into our hungry hearts. We decided to ball up and try it out. The worst thing that could happen was us being sent to the emergency room, and the hospital was right down the street. You only live once, eh?

We high-fived and each took a bite. It was fantastic. There was no pain involved. It was the greatest burger that I have possibly tasted. Especially for under 5 bones.

Mom just brought home a nice angry whopper for me to munch on while I blogged about it. I'd personally like to thank Burger King for creating this fiercely tamed beast and allowing the public and myself to consume it.

1 comment:

Emily Johnson said...

That reminds me of the angry whopper commercial I saw a couple months ago, and sorry for being a cunt, but I'll have to quote my college friend who was actually shocked and asked "Why do people eat food that makes them angry?!"